Economics & Business Faculty



The Accounting study program is an academic field that examines matters related to the methods of recording and preparing financial statements, which are useful in assisting stakeholders in the decision-making process. The Accounting study program teaches students how to maintain finances, preparing them to become accountants by imparting knowledge on accounting principles such as auditing, reporting, budgeting, and tax regulations. Accounting serves as a means for companies or organizations to convey their financial information.


“Becoming a Leading Study Program in the Field of Accounting with a global orientation based on Iman and Takwa”


  1. Implementing the content of the Quran and As-Sunnah

  2. Providing education in the field of accounting with the support of information technology, having a global perspective, and being based on faith and piety

  3. Conducting research and scientific developments in the field of accounting with international reputation, based on faith and piety

  4. Engaging in community service in the field of accounting, emphasizing well-being and being based on faith and piety

  5. Conducting Islamic preaching (dakwah Islamiyah) with wisdom, oral communication, writing, and actions

Profile of Accounting Graduates

1. Auditor

An auditor who understands the implementation process, audit planning, application of examination procedures in the field, and preparation of audit reports based on the Standards of Public Accountants (Standar Profesional Akuntan Publik – SPAP) and the Standards of Internal Auditors (Standar Profesi Auditor Internal – SPAI).

2. Entity Accountant

An accountant who demonstrates a professional attitude, possesses expertise in financial accounting, management accounting, information systems, and taxation, working in companies that can analyze the business activities of both profit and non-profit entities with honesty, care, and responsibility.

3. Public Sector Accountant

An accountant who records financial transactions and prepares financial reports within public sector organizations as a form of public accounting implementation, ensuring accountability to the public and providing a reference for decision-making.

4. Shariah-compliant Entity Accountant

An accountant who prepares reports, analyzes financial data, and audits companies using Shariah principles, while integrating Islamic values with social responsibility.

5. Entrepreneur

Engages in entrepreneurial activities with entrepreneurial, managerial, creative thinking, innovation, communication, negotiation skills, and a wide network, while being responsive to changing market and industry needs in facing global challenges.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"